Immune System Boosting Supplements And Foods To Keep You Healthy
As we move into winter, we have many great things to look forward to, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but along with the holiday season, comes cold and flu season, which is definitely a season that most of us would like to skip. In order to stay one step ahead of Mother Nature and ward off these horrible germs that can leave us feeling stuffy and bed ridden, fight back and fill your diet with supplements and foods that can strengthen your immune system.So where should you start?

- Not smoking
- Eating well
- Exercising on a regular basis
- Keeping your weight down
- Drinking alcohol in moderation
- Getting adequate sleep
- And washing your hands
What foods should I be eating?
To begin you battle against cold and flu season, make a trip to your local grocery store and make a b-line for the produce aisle. Once there, stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, for these foods are packed with immune system building antioxidants. If you don’t already know, antioxidants are the vitamins and nutrients needed to protect and repair the cells damaged by free radicals. There are 3 major antioxidant vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E, and all 3 can be found in your produce aisle. But remember, in order to get all the immune system boosting benefits from these foods, simply eat them raw or lightly steamed. Don’t microwave or boil these foods, for the heating process can remove some of the healthy benefits. Foods Rich in beta carotene include:- Apricots
- Asparagus
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Green peppers
- And spinach
- Berries
- Brussels sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Grapefruit
- Honey dew
- Kale
- And tomatoes
- Chard
- Turnip greens
- Mangoes
- Nuts
- Papaya
- Pumpkin
- And sunflower seeds
What about herbal supplements?

- Garlic—thought to have infection fighting properties
- Ginseng—Asian ginseng is thought to stimulate immune function
- Probiotics—good bacteria that can safely live in the digestive tract
- Astragalus membranes—marketed as an immune system stimulant
- Echinacea—an immune stimulant that supposedly limits the severity of colds
- Licorice root—used in Chinese medicine to cure many illnesses
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